Ethics Policy


Any journalist currently working, or working for us in the future will go under an intensive on-boarding procedure. Although some writers work on a freelance, voluntary basis, we want to ensure all articles are written to the highest standards. We never publish articles that contain attacks on other companies, people, or colleagues, or anybody.

Comments, and contact forms are treated with the upmost respect as any customer service environment would. We want to be your number one source for news, reviews, and ranking articles, we want to ensure you keep visiting our website as often as possible.


Often times we are very quick to publish reviews on a particular show, or movie. These articles will always contain spoilers, so this becomes difficult to evade. More importantly, each reader who visits our site will see no spoilers in any of our article titles, only the articles themselves. Majority of the time, most of our articles don’t contain spoilers usually for 2-3 paragraphs, so you have ample time to click off the particular article.

If we publish a review, and you don’t want it to be spoiled, then we advice you to read something else on our website.


Under no circumstance will our writers ever publish a deliberate article with a clickbait headline. If at any time one our writers does this, the article will be immediately unpublished. This is the very core of Only Comic Universe, reverting back to our policy on remaining fair, transparent, and accurate in all news stories that we publish.


We always aim to deliver correct practices in any written content on our site. As seen in the fact checking policy, we always conduct thorough research into a specific topic before publishing anything live. We like to remain professional, and it’s something we have prided ourselves with since the very beginning.


We run adverts on our website, safely by using Google only, and directly. We use ads as an income stream to keep the website live. We try our best to put these in places that are of minimal inconvenience.

We will never publish an article for the sake of adverts, and income. We would much prefer to go days without publishing any new content, and ensuring everything is written to an extremely high standard.


We never post anything with a direct attack on anyone as it states above. We would much prefer this goes both ways. Any attacks on staff, or other people through any means of contact on our website will be blocked, and completely ignored. We find any such abuse unacceptable. Any form of harassment may be passed on to the relevant authorities to deal with, to protect our staff from any harm.

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