We’re now officially 39 days away from the launch of the Fallen Order sequel. Everything we have seen so far has lived well above our expectations.
We’ve had a 9-minute gameplay clip from IGN, and we’ve had a couple of trailers as well and they all looked great.
It’s very likely the story trailer will be the final trailer due to how close the game now is to being released.
In the trailer, we get to see the group 5 years on from the events of the first game. We get to see what Merrin, Greez, and Cere are up to. BD-1 is still with Cal obviously and we even get to see Merrin in the field with Cal which looked awesome.
Out of all the games coming out this year, this is the one I am most excited about. I seriously cannot wait to play this.
I even remember how many hours I pumped into the first one. On a personal level, Fallen Order came out a day before my son was born. Paternity leave was a blessing at the time. I already have my leave booked for this.
Enough talking, here’s the trailer. Enjoy!