Since the launch of Disney+, we’ve seen 34 movies and 9 shows (including some with multiple seasons). Throughout this journey, we’ve been treated to plenty of exciting moments, from characters making their first appearance to familiar faces making a return. Today, we’re counting down our top 10 most memorable character entrances in the MCU. Please note, these are in no particular order.
1. Thor in Avengers: Infinity War
In the middle of the battle, the heroes somewhat being overwhelmed by Thanos’s forces and then we see the Bifrost open with Thor, Groot, and Rocket with the introduction to Thor and his newly crafted Stormbreaker weapon.
This introduction to this new Thor was amazing. After seeing him get absolutely demolished by Thanos and the Black Order. He was ready to end the fight there and then. Seeing him come in and absolutely wreck everyone is something I can watch all of the time.
2. The portal scene in Avengers: Endgame
Perhaps one of the best moments in movie history, at least for me. We had to wait a year after Infinity War to see what happened with Thanos, which is especially special. We all knew that in the end, all of our heroes would return but never in a million years would I expect it to be this epic.
Whenever I complete a run-through, Endgame is the movie I look forward to the most and this scene adds so much impact itself. After all hope is lost and Captain America stands there alone with a broken shield against Thanos and his army, willing to fight is inspirational. Then, the portals open and the rest is history.
3. Shuri in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
For Shuri, this was an entrance that Chadwick would have been proud of seeing. Seeing her entire story throughout this film was heartbreaking. Seeing her slowly realize this is what she needs to do was amazing.
Seeing her finally don the suit and drop down to take on Namor was fantastic. It gave me chills seeing her entrance as the new Black Panther. Honestly, this entrance was excellent and say what you will about the decision to make Shuri the new Black Panther but after seeing her as the Black Panther, she was a perfect choice.
4. T’Challa returns from the dead in Black Panther
The great late Chadwick Boseman delivered one hell of a scene when he returned from death at the hands of Killmonger to save Wakanda. It’s a moment that will forever live with me as this movie came out during a time when I finally got my life together. Personal moments aside it’s easily one of the best entrances as the entirety of Wakanda except a small few expect King T’Challa to be dead.
The first Black Panther is one of those movies that I’d love to experience again for the first time. It still upsets me now we’ll never see Chadwick suit up again but we can take some solace in the fact we got this incredible adaptation of the character.
5. Spider-Man takes Captain America’s shield in Captain America: Civil War
Civil War is one of those movies that people are on the fence over. I absolutely loved this film. This was the movie that fully introduced Spider-Man into the MCU with a new actor in Tom Holland who has gone on to smash the role. The fact he has the audacity to steal Cap’s shield without a care in the world is brilliant.
I do wish we got to see a little more of Peter within the movie but I can’t complain considering the amount of content we’ve had since this was a fantastic entrance. Despite your feelings about the movie, it can’t be denied that this particular scene was pretty damn impressive.
6. Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield return in Spider-Man: No Way Home
The hype for No Way Home was on another level. It was speculated right from the off that Tobey and Andrew would be reprising their roles as Peter Parker. Now, this particular entry has 2 entrances but we decided to roll them into one as they were both incredible and happened fairly quickly against each other.
We’re first introduced to Andrew’s Spider-Man who has some hilarious moments followed by Tobey’s entrance. No Way Home was one of those movies that exceeded the hype and ended up being the best Spider-Man movie to date and it’s not even close.
7. The very first suit-up moment in Iron Man
The original suit-up entrance. The movie officially started everything that has come afterward. The beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This was a fantastic entrance. Seeing Tony try to suit up while having an army trying to stop him and him needing to wait for a computer to load in a cave was peak Tony Stark.
This was an amazing entrance and arguably, you could have chosen any Iron Man entrance as quite frankly, they are all great but ultimately this one deserves the spot. Seeing him create this make-shift entrance in an essentially tin suit was crazy cool.
8. X-23, Gambit, Electra, and Blade show up in Deadpool & Wolverine
The entrance literally no one expected. While officially Jennifer Garner was announced as having joined the film as Elektra, no one knew in what capacity this was. While watching the film, it was a wild ride, and seeing the entrance of each character was mindblowing and each entrance just got better and better.
If you had told me we’d see Wesley Snipes return as Blade and finally get to witness the incarnation of Gambit that we would have got with Channing Tatum, I would call you crazy. This is ultimately the craziest entrance. We were torn between this entrance and Chris Evans’s entrance as Johnny Storm.
9. The Hulk finally starts the Battle of New York in The Avengers
“That’s my secret, Cap – I’m always angry”. We see the Battle of New York being prepared as Loki sends in the enemy. Things begin to kick off and then Hulk just decides to punch a massive alien into the ground and goes off on one. It’s a moment that will truly live down in history.
This was also the moment that gave us an indication of the secret Edward Norton’s Hulk mentioned in The Incredible Hulk. It’s a very brief entrance as he rocks up on a motorbike but we all know how powerful Hulk is and his ability to level the playing field in the middle of the battle.
10. Captain Marvel joins the Battle of Earth in Avengers: Endgame
While watching the events of Endgame, we didn’t truly get to see a lot of Captain Marvel, she was basically in the beginning and then just went to check out the rest of the universe but let me tell you something, when that final battle was going on and Thanos’s men started to get worried at something flying through space rapidly and seeing Captain Marvel annihilate many of the forces was a scene that truly sold me on Captain Marvel.
Honestly, this scene was great and it showed that Captain Marvel was a force to be reckoned with. This is one of the entrances that I’ll remember for a little while in my life and will always be a moment I speak about.
Honorable mention – Captain America wields the Mjolnir for the first time in Avengers: Endgame
The entrance of worthy Captain America was a scene that I can still hear cinema audiences scream about. This was a moment that was many years in the making and something many people didn’t think would happen.
Arguably up there as one of the best moments of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, for an entrance, this is peak cinema. I said it. Honestly, I can rewatch this all day and still get tears every single time.

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