
Batwoman “Time Off for Good Behaviour” Review

Season 2 Episode 10 – As Batwoman focuses on taking down Black Mask, a new foe emerges, diverting the team’s attention to a distressing issue in Gotham; Jacob travels down a dangerous path.

What I Liked

Nothing to report this week.

What I Disliked

1. The first scene was all in all embarrassing to watch. I wish I didn’t. The fighting was abysmal and why was there a news reporter there?

2. Jacob Kane, I love his character, but what on earth are the writers doing to this bloke? How many episodes now has he been knocked unconscious and kidnapped? It’s becoming a joke, completely predictable at this point.

3. Second fight scene, lasted roughly three seconds and of course, the guy got away. Let me pretend to be shocked for a moment.

4. The Ryan and Angelique story is boring. Ever since it began and still to this episode, every time there is a scene between the two I do not care for it as it’s boring every single time.


5. The good old saying “watch your back” really needs to be made known to this show, as it seems in every single fight Ryan has with more than one person she likes to turn her back on one of them, giving the perfect opportunity for them to knock her down, which of course they do, every single time.

6. So many things are just predictable at this point. I knew something was about to go wrong as soon as Sophie said Angelique was being moved to whiteness protection, and low and behold, it did. Predictable.

Favourite Moment

The only interesting thing to happen throughout this episode is the story happening between Julia and Enigma. We didn’t get much of these scenes, but I am interested to know what has been erased from Julia’s memory and why.

Standout Character

I’m going to give the standout to Julia this week. Simply because even though her scenes were short, they were the only ones where I did not want to turn my TV off.


Our lowest rating we have ever given an episode. This episode was extremely boring and didn’t entertain me at all. A lot of things are becoming far too predictable, and a lot of the characters need better writing!

Rating 3.8/10

Promo For Next Episode


Story - 3
Action - 5
Characters - 5
Entertainment - 2



Our lowest rating we have ever given an episode. This episode was extremely boring and didn’t entertain me at all. A lot of things are becoming far too predictable, and a lot of the characters need better writing!


Rebecca Lewandowski

26 years old. A review specialist and journalism covering mainly The CW's Arrowverse. Rebecca also controls the social media aspects of Only Comic Universe, ensuring they're kept up to date. Rebecca also has connections within the news industry and remains a freelance journalist for the company.

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