
Prime’s Fallout First Impressions

Disclaimer here, I would love to throw out a full season review but I do work a normal full-time job so unfortunately I don’t have the time to watch all 8 episodes in one swoop. I decided to watch the first episode and give my first impressions of it at least.

I have been a massive Fallout fan since the 3rd game came out. I have spent 100’s of hours roaming the wasteland in 3, New Vegas, 4, and even 76. Controversially 4 is my favorite but I adore this franchise more than any other gaming franchise.

The show got me in right away. The whole aura of the show felt like I was playing the game and watching a cutscene. They got it spot on, especially from the vault’s perspective. This is it though, Prime is just showing why they’re one of the most trusted studios going at the moment because they make these things work.

From the first episode, the show already explains it will largely be following 3 characters;

  1. Lucy – born and bread in Vault 33
  2. Maximus – raised in the Brotherhood of Steel
  3. The Ghoul – who has an interesting story of being behind Vault Tech

As always with Prime shows, exploding heads tend to be at the forefront of everything. As you’d normally see with The Boys and Gen V, Fallout follows a very similar trend of being gory and outright crazy. It’s fun though.

My wife has never played the games before and she enjoyed the show. I gave her some input and links to why specific things are important but it’s nice to see that she liked the show. It makes my life easier for the remainder of the season.


I liked the fact we got to see the bombs go off again. That was a nice touch to see. We’ve only truly seen them once in the updated Fallout games which was the fourth one. You can see by the end trailer for the season that we’ll see more scenes from before the war which I’m all for.

I was a bit skeptical prior to the show coming out that it could do the games justice. There’s always a bit of worry when games are moved over to a live-action show/movie but from one episode, I have high hopes. They’ve input some of the best bits of lore in the episode including the T-60 Power Armor and all of the little quirks of the vault. It’s nice to see that the show is paying homage to the games and not trying to do something unique and then ruining it.

Rumors are floating around that Prime is positioning already to make a second season which shows their confidence in the show itself. All in all, within 75 minutes I’ve been largely impressed. This will remain to be seen throughout the rest of the series.

I will get a full-season review out as soon as I possibly can. I’m aiming for next week which is probably not the best idea as the hype may have died down but I’m desperate to give my thoughts on the overall show. Regardless, I have given my ratings so far which is an easy one to give as well.

Rating: 10/10

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The Review

Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10



I was a bit skeptical prior to the show coming out that it could do the games justice. There's always a bit of worry when games are moved over to a live-action show/movie but from one episode, I have high hopes. They've input some of the best bits of lore in the episode including the T-60 Power Armor and all of the little quirks of the vault. It's nice to see that the show is paying homage to the games and not trying to do something unique and then ruining it.


Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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