Season 1 Episode 4 – Our heroes face a surprise in a familiar setting.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The show does contain some interesting aspects and has been done since the beginning. The crew enters a planet they believe to be At Attin. Not as it seems though, although the planets appear identical. This particular planet seems to have been deserted. They did mention that there were similar planets to At Attin that were destroyed so maybe we’re seeing one of those? It’s intriguing that’s for sure.
2. The kids are saved by other kids and taken to seemingly the leader of one of the clans. They often ask what flag one flies so I presume they’re clans. They’re informed there’s some sanctum with coordinates to other planets but it’s far. They’re warned they won’t survive the trip and therefore need to train. At first, they’re hesitant but look to enjoy it after. It’ll be nice to see them handle their own as the series progresses.
3. Jod is attempting to restore SM-33’s memory as he’s the only one who knows what happened as the ship was trapped on At Attin. As they’re walking out of the ship they’re fully cornered. Jod doesn’t even care at that point, kneels, and tells them to kill. I think if I was Jod I’d have enough already at this stage as well. A good overall scene.
What I Disliked
The leader sends the 4 kids to the front lines as they prepare for battle. As they advance, Jod appears from the smoke with his hands up and returns the animals to the clan. We find out later he uses the Republic credits that Wim had. I never like it when a scene happens off-screen and we don’t see it. I feel like this is something we should’ve seen even if it was just a deal being done.
Favorite Moment
An intense scene follows as they reach the Sanctum only to discover the coordinates were destroyed. It turns out, SM-33 was the one who did it after Fern managed to override his memory in order to find out. SM-33 orders from his previous captain kick in which is to tear someone into pieces if they came asking questions. Jod saves the day again as he hits the off switch but that was really the most intense scene of the series so far.
Standout Character
You know what it is, I’m giving it to Neel. I really felt for him above all other characters in this episode. When he was forced to advance into the unknown but still proceeding was incredible and brave.
Skeleton Crew is one of those shows that I don’t think will live down in memory within the Star Wars franchise but it doesn’t stop the series from being fun and entertaining. That’s what this episode was again.
Rating 7/10

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The Review
Story - 7
Action - 5
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 7
Quality - 9
Skeleton Crew is one of those shows that I don't think will live down in memory within the Star Wars franchise but it doesn't stop the series from being fun and entertaining. That's what this episode was again.