Season 1 Episode 3 – A mysterious stranger offers to help our heroes.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I love how the kids completely manipulate Jod into returning back to rescue SM-33. I was hoping that once they got back to the ship they’d remember him considering it’s Nick Frost voicing and for the fact he’s great.
2. The ship is still attached to a fuel line leaving them unable to undock the brig and leave. Jod does something intense by wrapping the line around other ships causing complete chaos then bursting into hyperspace. I really did like this scene.
3. It’s intriguing to learn more about At Attin from an outside perspective. It’s also interesting to know the children didn’t even know about the Great War. They were learning about Coruscant and Alderaan but didn’t know what genuinely happened.
4. The X Wings do show up on the moon to capture Jod. A solid entertaining sequence happens as Jod puts Wim and Fern into the turrets, Neel flies and KB monitors the direction of the ship. The direction and it felt like a video game at times, I loved it. I’m also further intrigued by Jod as he told the truth but we’re still unsure if he’s a fraud in regards to the force as it stands. I still think he’s force sensitive but perhaps one of those that was never found by the Jedi when the Order was still around?
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favorite Moment
Once they hit the moon to find Jod’s “friend”, the view looked spectacular. As they’re walking, we see a backshot of a plan that looks stunning. It’s a little silly having this as my favorite moment but this was like a PC wallpaper background.

Standout Character
Jod was my favorite character in this episode. The way he managed the escape was epic, and even going back to save SM-33 was admirable. The mystery surrounding him has me curious and I’m waiting to see what the entire reveal is with him.
This is a show that continues to surprise me. I had zero expectations going into this after The Acolyte but this is different. We’re now 3 episodes in and with each episode it gets a little more enjoyable. It’s not meant to be as serious as others have been, it’s meant to be fun and it’s doing exactly that.
Rating 8.8/10
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The Review
Story - 9
Action - 7
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 10
This is a show that continues to surprise me. I had zero expectations going into this after The Acolyte but this is different. We're now 3 episodes in and with each episode it gets a little more enjoyable. It's not meant to be as serious as others have been, it's meant to be fun and it's doing exactly that.