Season 4 Episode 4 – Vought News Network is proud to announce its new series #Truthbomb! Join host Firecracker and her celebrity guests for the live 6-hour premiere as they expose Starlight’s Adrenochrome Parties!
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Gen V finally mentioned through an advertisement for seemingly a documentary. It explains that the 4 have disappeared unexpectedly. It’s about time they’ve mentioned this considering how big of a deal the show was in itself. I was already hoping for a bigger connection, this is the first we’ve had yet.
2. Homelander does get some payback from the scientists who tortured him as a child. I did like this because it shows a different side to Homelander and that he truly was hurt during those experiments. A brutal scene as always but even more so with Homelander where he has you on the edge of your seat.
3. Hughie trying to defend himself which ended in a guy being severely cut to death was interesting. We typically see Hughie avoid confrontation in most instances, I like the fact he stood his ground here. I am a bit surprised he hasn’t been trained to fight the others considering the amount of time he’s been with them but I’ll take that as a win.
4. Whilst Starlight destroys Firecracker, Frenchie is found by Ezekiel after searching Firecracker’s trailer. Butcher steps in and is almost killed until his hallucinations of Becca begin again, Ezekiel is then utterly blown up and we have no idea what happened. This is The Boys I want to see, not Martin jerking off to Homelander.
5. Earlier on Ezekiel died of unexplained circumstances as a result of Butcher. We find out that he took V, seemingly the permanent stuff but didn’t feel an effect. I think we’re now seeing Butcher does have permanent powers and they may be taking some time to properly kick in. This could be interesting as the story further progresses especially after Becca looks on with a worried look on her face.
What I Disliked
1. I love Firecracker but I’m just not sure I like what they’re doing with the Starlight vs Vaught stuff. It’s not interesting. Firecracker herself is interesting, as is Starlight but this petty way of arguing via outraging the public isn’t it. That’s my thoughts anyway when you consider what we had last season with Soldier Boy.
2. Whilst I liked the scene where Homelander gets his revenge on the scientists in the facility, the entire arc here is boring. I do not care for this all that much. I get that it’s part of the mirror last episode but this didn’t need an entire episode of Homelander’s time dedicated to it. Plus, if this has bothered him all of this time then why did he wait so long to act on it?
3. The Boys always has a habit of making you feel uncomfortable. It does it usually in a clever way. Homelander made Martin jerk off in front of him, wasn’t it. At all.
4. Frenchie’s character this season has well and truly gone in the bin. After this entire build-up with him and Colin, we learn Colin’s parents were killed by Frenchie. Trash. Utter trash. A waste of time. A waste of build up. A waste of everything.
Favorite Moment
Annie finally snaps. It’s about damn time. As Starlight angrily watches the Truthbomb, Firecracker announces that she has her medical records and that’s enough. She doesn’t even hesitate when heading to the stage and immediately begins to fight. She then batters Firecracker almost to death until MM steps in, this is all happening right in front of the camera. This is what I want to see. What a moment.
Standout Character
There wasn’t a singular character that stood out for me this week. As always, I have to give this and if I’m going to give this to someone – I’ll give it to Annie. I’m giving it to her because the moment she finally snapped was the moment I was like; “thank f**k for that”.
It is perhaps the worst episode of the entire series to date. Granted, this was a disappointment, not a horrific episode by any means but by the usual high standards from The Boys. Lately, there has been a lot of talk among fans about whether Prime has dropped the ball this season. In fairness, I don’t think it’s unwatchable by any means but I can certainly see where they’re coming from – I’ve enjoyed this season for the most part but it’s the weakest opening 4 episodes out of the entire series to date.
Rating 6.2/10

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The Reviews
Story - 3
Action - 9
Characters - 4
Entertainment - 5
Quality - 10
It is perhaps the worst episode of the entire series to date. Granted, this was a disappointment, not a horrific episode by any means but by the usual high standards from The Boys. Lately, there has been a lot of talk among fans about whether Prime has dropped the ball this season. In fairness, I don't think it's unwatchable by any means but I can certainly see where they're coming from - I've enjoyed this season for the most part but it's the weakest opening 4 episodes out of the entire series to date.