So recently the newest animated series released on Disney, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. I recently got around to watching the first two episodes that were released and honestly, this was more fun than I expected.
The first episode begins with the introduction to this world. Basically, this could be a prequel to Civil War. There is a lot of similarities, especially at the end when it was literally the moment Tony Stark went and recruited Spider-Man in Civil War, although only in this world, it was Norman Osbourne.

The animation within this series is what initially threw me off when I first saw the trailer but after finally watching the first two episodes, I will admit I was wrong about the animation and it’s really sharp, clean, and incredibly fluid.
I went into this thinking it would only be like a Spider-Man-focused series but there have been mentions, looks, and appearances from other Avengers. We got to see a couple of Iron Man things within the episode, we also got to see a photo of Norman posing with Captain America.
The thing I least expected was to see Doctor Strange appearing and fighting a venom-like character on the day of the introduction for Peter to attend school. This was also the lead to Peter receiving his powers by getting bit by a spider which also came through the portal.
Honestly, I am excited to see more of this and excited to see what is to come throughout the show. Honestly, Peters’s “makeshift” Spidey suit is fantastic as well but I can not wait to see him get an actual suit.