Let's TalkMarvelMovies

Is It Time To Bring Miles Morales Into The Live-Action Universe?

I think everyone would agree over the course of the last few years, Miles Morales has had a huge catapult into stardom, going from the comic universe to the animated universe and then becoming a huge part of the Spider-Man video game universe.

It’s been absolutely fantastic to see Miles get the love and care he deserves as a character. I feel like recently, I prefer Miles to Peter and this isn’t a versus article or to state Miles is better than Peter in any regard.

Is it time to bring Miles into live-action and have him be the Spider-Man for a time period?

I absolutely love both Spider-Man characters but in live-action, I feel like Peter has been done more than enough times and I feel like it’s a rinse-and-repeat situation with Peter, it’s not to say Peter can’t be in live-action as well, I just feel like you could debut Miles within the live-action universe and allow Peter to go into the background for a period of time.

Introducing Miles into the live-action MCU would be such an insane moment, we’ve already had mentions of him so just pull the trigger and debut him. Fans would absolutely lose their minds in the cinemas with this debut.

For me personally, this debut would be on the same level as seeing Spider-Man debut in the Civil War trailer. They will do Miles eventually but keeping him in animated and video games for a long time would either go one of two ways.


It would work out and he’d be the main focus of those universes or it would severely hurt his hype and just keep him behind Peter. I think within the next few years Miles should debut in live-action, even if it’s in the next lot of Tom Holland Spider-Man films.

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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