Season 2 Episode 5 – Loki traverses dying timelines in an attempt to find his friends, but reality is not what it seems.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. We get to see a portrayal of the real-life Alcatraz prison breakout where Casey is one of the escapees. We know Loki has often been portrayed in real-life mysteries which has including D.B. Cooper. I am thankful we’re getting to see Casey’s life before the TVA.
2. Watching Loki try to force himself to timeslip was quite disturbing but hilarious.
3. Obi creates a TemPad to help Loki get through the timeline and find everyone who was in the room when the Temporal Loom was destroyed. They believe if they get them all together they will be placed back in the same time moments before it happened.
4. Loki goes to find Sylvie as she is the final person he needs to return to The TVA. However, Sylvie believes what had happened is actually a good thing and that they now all have their lives back, the lives they should’ve had if it weren’t for The TVA. Honestly, this is a tricky one because I kind of agree with her, they were at The TVA because they didn’t have a choice and they only enjoyed what they did because they didn’t remember their life before then.
What I Disliked
1. So far the episode hasn’t given me much to be excited about, there’s just not much going on other than the fact he needs to gather everyone together to get back to The TVA.
2. There haven’t been any great action scenes in this episode, honestly, I’m just feeling a bit bored with the storyline for this week.
Favorite Moment
Loki learns to control his time slipping as the branches begin to die, meaning everyone is being wiped from existence. However, he can send himself back to moments before the Temporal Loom was destroyed so this was the most interesting part of the episode itself, especially with how it ended.
Standout Character
Standout will just go to Loki this week. Simply because he was the main focus throughout this episode as he tries to gather everyone together from their timeline so they can go back to The TVA. He also learns to control his time slipping.
Not the best episode this week. There were some good moments but compared to other episodes I’m let down. Granted Loki learned how to control his time slipping but other than that as of the next episode we’re just going back to the same moment they were in the last episode.
Rating 5/10

The Review
Story - 3
Action - 2
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 3
Quality - 10
Not the best episode this week. There were some good moments but compared to other episodes I’m let down. Granted Loki learned how to control his time slipping but other than that as of the next episode we’re just going back to the same moment they were in the last episode.