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Secret Invasion “Harvest” Review

Season 1 Episode 5 – “Fury gathers his allies. Gravik deals with unrest.”

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. Gravik was meant to have his right-hand man steal the DNA of the Avengers, and his right-hand man begins to speak out towards Gravik. Saying that he had a chance to kill Fury multiple times and he didn’t. This is where I believe the downfall of Gravik has begun. He kills his own man with the Groot powers. This will be the downfall of his power.

2. We see Gravik’s soldiers turn on him. Suffocating him and attacking him with weapons. We see Gravik turn into the Super Skrull and fight off the attackers. He asks the rest of the Skrulls “Who wants it” while slitting the throat of a Skrull.

3. I actually really like this Sonya Falsworth character. She’s just so fluid, fun, energetic, and badass. Like she could literally be the friendliest person and the next second she’s putting a bullet in your leg. Absolutely fantastic.

4. I honestly loved the funeral for Talos. How G’iah was talking about times when she walked away from him and that Talos was a general and that he died in a foreign land. It was honestly a sad scene.


5. We find out that within the battle of Earth, the “collectors” led by Gravik went into the aftermath of the battle and collected DNA samples from spilled blood from every Avenger that fought in the battle, including Carol Danvers. This is where Gravik got the idea of the Super Skrull.

6. We get a Nick Fury suit-up scene. While we typically see superheroes get into actual suits, we see Fury’s suit up in simply him putting on a better coat and an eye patch.

What I Disliked

Nothing to report.

Favorite Moment

Priscilla and G’iah get attacked while in the Fury household. The two badass characters easily take down the men sent to kill both of them. I loved getting to see Priscilla do some action scenes.

Standout Character

I’ll give this to Sonya Falsworth. I absolutely love her, every scene is just fantastic.


Honestly, this was an episode that very much was a “set-up” episode. What I mean by this is that while there was a decent amount of action, the story for the episode took a backburner and pretty much only told a story to set up the finale. Overall still a great episode.


Rating: 9.7/10

The Review

Story - 9
Action - 10
Characters - 10
entertainment - 10
Quality - 9.5



Honestly, this was an episode that very much was a "set-up" episode. What I mean by this is that while there was a decent amount of action, the story for the episode took a backburner and pretty much only told a story to set up the finale. Overall still a great episode.

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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