ReviewsShowsSuperman & Lois

Superman & Lois “Truth and Consequences” Review

Season 2 Episode 11 – Jon-El catches sight of his doppelgänger Jonathan; Jon-El lunges at him and Jordan tries to intervene, but Jon-El appears to be stronger and faster than him.

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. What an incredible first scene man! From John’s heartbreaking screams to his Mom, and Superman’s entrance I’m just totally overwhelmed already. Well played to all the actors for that amazing scene.

2. Very emotional scenes to follow that incredible first one. Jonathon and Clark’s moment was extremely heartwarming as Clark tells him he will never let anything happen to him. As a parent, I felt that.

3. I’m so pleased Lana is getting involved with the bigger storyline now. She’s one of the show’s main characters and certainly up there as one of my favorites, so I’m hoping this leads to her finding out the truth and being fully involved.

4. I have to just slide this in our review, these actors deserve their very own appreciation in our article. The acting throughout this episode has been absolutely insane. Playing other versions of himself, which is pretty much completely opposite to who they actually are and it’s so perfectly done!


5. I’m loving this huge portion of action we’re getting! Superman’s attempt to save Lana, Bizzaros Lana vs John Henry, and of course the biggest one to hit our screens Jonathon vs Jordan. This fight was just something else, after Jonathon initially gets the upper hand we see Jordan snap and completely wipe him out, I love that we’re seeing what Jordan’s full potential can be. Absolutely amazing!

What I Disliked

Nothing to report this week.

Favourite Moment

Finally, finally, finalllyyyy. I’m all for “the secret” I completely get it like they totally would be screwed if the entire world knew who Clark really was. But Lana should have known this entire time, she’s been a huge part of their family and never should have been kept in the dark. But better late than never and I really hope this means she will have a lot more to do with the main storylines. Her face was absolutely priceless.

Standout Character

This episode’s standout is going to Jonathon. He hands down deserves it. More so to the actor who pulled off portraying himself but with two completely different personalities. His scenes throughout this were insane, and I hope that’s not the last we’ve seen of him as Superboy.


Amazing episode this week, so much emotion squeezed into 45 minutes it’s just impressive! I love the advancements made throughout this episode and I can’t wait to see what this brings for the show moving forward!

Rating 10/10

Promo For Next Episode

The Review

Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10



Amazing episode this week, so much emotion squeezed into 45 minutes it’s just impressive! I love the advancements made throughout this episode and I can’t wait to see what this brings for the show moving forward!


Rebecca Lewandowski

26 years old. A review specialist and journalism covering mainly The CW's Arrowverse. Rebecca also controls the social media aspects of Only Comic Universe, ensuring they're kept up to date. Rebecca also has connections within the news industry and remains a freelance journalist for the company.

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